Eligibility for Services
Eligibility for Services
ALTCS is the Arizona Long Term Care System that provides acute and long term care services under federal guidelines and federal funds.
The federal Medicaid Program contracts with the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) to provide a managed care system, part of which is ALTCS. AHCCCS, in turn, contracts with the Department of Economic Security and the Division of Developmental Disabilities to deliver ALTCS services for eligible people with developmental disabilities.
AHCCCS determines eligibility based on your finances and medical and functional status. Here are some basic eligibility requirements for individuals:
- Must be a resident of Arizona, a citizen or qualified immigrant, and lawfully in the United States.
- Must voluntarily apply.
- Must be at risk of having a developmental disability (up to age six); for those over six years of age, candidates must have a diagnosis of epilepsy, cerebral palsy, cognitive disability, Down Syndrome, or autism.
- The disability must have occurred prior to the age of 18.
Candidates must also have substantial functional limitations in three of the seven major life areas:
- Self-care: eating, hygiene, bathing, etc.
- Receptive and expressive language: communicating with others.
- Learning: acquiring and processing new information.
- Mobility: moving from place to place.
- Self-direction: managing personal finances, protecting self-interest, or making independent decisions that may affect well-being.
- Capacity for independent living: needing daily supervision or assistance.
- Economic self-sufficiency: being able to financially support oneself.
Consumer Advocacy Projects, Inc. is a vendor agency of the Division of Developmental Disabilities, through the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DDD/DES). Program participants must receive funding for any of the above services.